E-Commerce Distributor Service*
​You can entrust us with everything from import and export procedures, listing, sales collection, inquiry handling, to promotion, all in one place.

Marketing Strategy Support/Local Distributor Search/Sales Support
Our local sales team will act as an extension of your company, working on tasks such as appointment acquisition, agency development, and network expansion.

Local Promotion
​We are equipped to handle not only promotions using social media and the web but also media outreach and influencer marketing.

Market Survey/Information Gathering
In addition to quantitative surveys using a point application with a membership of one million users, we are also capable of conducting qualitative research, market analysis, and regulatory compliance investigations.

Local Company Establishment/Licence Registration
​We can propose various forms of local establishment tailored to your expansion stage, including options involving EOR (Employer of Record) services. Additionally, leave the permit and approval procedures, such as Halal certification and BPOM, to us.

Recruitment Support
We have a deep understanding of the constantly evolving local talent market and will recruit the right talent for your specific job requirements through appropriate channels.

Local Business:
Family Recipes
Nama Bisnis / PT: Family Recipes
Bidang Bisnis / PT: Food & Beverages
Tujuan Traffic Support: Meningkatkan Followers Instagram
Total responden Traffic Support yang digunakan kali ini: 500 Responden
Jumlah Followers sebelum Traffic Support: 2832 Followers
Jumlah Followers setelah Traffic Support: 2930 Followers (Kenaikan 19.6%)
Banyak leads nyata yang berhasil menghubungi ? 12 Orang (13.2%)
Q: Setelah menggunakan Traffic Support by Licorice Indonesia, apa tanggapan anda mengenai produk ini?
A: Saya rasa menggunakan Traffic Support ini cukup menarik. Pada saat proses planning campaign, kita bisa men-setting responden agar sesuai dengan target pasar yang cocok untuk bisnis kita ini. Bisnis saya cakupannya mencapai Jabodetabek, jadi saya minta target pasar di set khusus untuk warga Jabodetabek saja.
Q: Adakah penambahan Followers/leads setelah campaign dilakukan?
A: Ada, setelah dihitung sekitar 19,6%.
Q: Berapa banyak user kami yang bertanya mengenai produk anda?
A: Ada sekitar 5 orang yang langsung bertanya terkait dengan produk saya.
Q: Menurut anda, seberapa pentingkah dukungan media sosial untuk usaha anda di saat seperti ini?
A: Sangat penting. Apalagi saat pandemi seperti ini, orang lebih banyak di dalam rumah dan jadi lebih sering main media sosial. Tapi kalau ada media sosial saja tanpa ada orang yang lihat kan percuma saja, jadi kegiatan traffic support ini sangat bagus untuk mengajak orang datang ke akun media sosial kita.